Misfit's Run
George Washington National Park
Jan 13-15, 2006
This was a great trip! It was just the nicest group of people. I had so much fun playing in the snow and joking around. Oh, and the wheeling was fun too!

Dave P. and I left Mt. Trashmore at 06:15 Friday morning, picking up some others near Richmond at 08:00. We took our time, since some folks were towing, and got there around noon. I immediately checked into the Hampton Inn and the hard core guys headed down to Kephart Run to camp. It was rather balmy on Friday. (God bless them though for withstanding the SNOW, RAIN, and 60 MPH winds on Saturday, early Sunday!) Later that day Keith, Ed, and I left the Hampton Inn and headed down to meet the campers. We managed to get out on the trails for a nice relaxing trip that lasted about three hours.

Saturday started out with a trash clean-up at Second Mountain. It started to snow just as soon as we hit the trail. By the time we got to the ATV loading area at the top, the snow was in full swing. We spent the rest of the day wheeling around GW with Paul C. in the lead driving his Kaiser on 42" tires! (Side note: That's the most awesome rig!) Around 18:00 we were wrapping up the last leg of our trail ride in the dark when some of us near the front heard loud tree snapping noises. A tree fell!! Apparently the weight of the snow and the high winds knocked it over. Dave P. was directly in its path and accelerated out of the way. It was a close call. Thank goodness all are okay.

Sunday was the best day of all! Dave P. & Mike D. lead the pack in Dave's TJ, followed by myself (Rubicon), Keith & Ed (CJ), Jim (Rubicon Unlimited), Eric (Rubicon), and Mike B.(Dodge pick-up). We headed up Dictum's Ridge from the bottom and hit the rocks. Dave made it up just fine using the right side of the trail. I, on the other hand, had the bright idea of going left. I had it all worked out in my head, however, it didn't go quite as planned. Luckily, Dave was there to pull the winch cord out and hook me up AND offer a few words of comfort ("CHELE, YOU'RE OKAY!"). Everyone else (for the most part) winched themselves up. Mike B. broke his pick-up's driveshaft, but was able to hang in there in 2WD with Eric's help for the rest of the trail.

The ride home was uneventful, but the company was good and the 4 hour trip FLEW by.

Thanks to all for a good time AND your help.

To see the photo album of this trip click here or use the "General Photos of Stuff" link to the right.

Dave P. and I left Mt. Trashmore at 06:15 Friday morning, picking up some others near Richmond at 08:00. We took our time, since some folks were towing, and got there around noon. I immediately checked into the Hampton Inn and the hard core guys headed down to Kephart Run to camp. It was rather balmy on Friday. (God bless them though for withstanding the SNOW, RAIN, and 60 MPH winds on Saturday, early Sunday!) Later that day Keith, Ed, and I left the Hampton Inn and headed down to meet the campers. We managed to get out on the trails for a nice relaxing trip that lasted about three hours.

Saturday started out with a trash clean-up at Second Mountain. It started to snow just as soon as we hit the trail. By the time we got to the ATV loading area at the top, the snow was in full swing. We spent the rest of the day wheeling around GW with Paul C. in the lead driving his Kaiser on 42" tires! (Side note: That's the most awesome rig!) Around 18:00 we were wrapping up the last leg of our trail ride in the dark when some of us near the front heard loud tree snapping noises. A tree fell!! Apparently the weight of the snow and the high winds knocked it over. Dave P. was directly in its path and accelerated out of the way. It was a close call. Thank goodness all are okay.

Sunday was the best day of all! Dave P. & Mike D. lead the pack in Dave's TJ, followed by myself (Rubicon), Keith & Ed (CJ), Jim (Rubicon Unlimited), Eric (Rubicon), and Mike B.(Dodge pick-up). We headed up Dictum's Ridge from the bottom and hit the rocks. Dave made it up just fine using the right side of the trail. I, on the other hand, had the bright idea of going left. I had it all worked out in my head, however, it didn't go quite as planned. Luckily, Dave was there to pull the winch cord out and hook me up AND offer a few words of comfort ("CHELE, YOU'RE OKAY!"). Everyone else (for the most part) winched themselves up. Mike B. broke his pick-up's driveshaft, but was able to hang in there in 2WD with Eric's help for the rest of the trail.

The ride home was uneventful, but the company was good and the 4 hour trip FLEW by.

Thanks to all for a good time AND your help.

To see the photo album of this trip click here or use the "General Photos of Stuff" link to the right.
Labels: jeep, misfits run, rubicon, Tidewater Fourwheelers, tj
Awesome Jeep site! It's cool to see your jeep all muddied up. My husband drives a Rubicon and I drive a rocky mtn edition.
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