West Virginia Camping
Brandywine Campground - Aug 10-12, 2007

This trip started as a way for me to get some rest and relaxation from work and as a way to celebrate my recent birthday. I was hoping to camp in GWNF, but with no men going, and only one other female friend arriving on Saturday, I decided to go for Brandywine Campground. The best place in the whole campground is the overflow area in the back. There is a wooded area past the field and it only costs $2 per day per person to stay there. You really feel like you are all alone back there. People camping near the front of the campground were like, "Where are you going all the way back there??" You couldn't hear a peep from the rest of the campground. Perfect!

There is a lake to fish and swim in and there is wildlife! We had an encounter with a mama bear and her cub. They were searching our campsite for food (which we had stashed in the trees). I was able to get a picture of them. It's kind of like those pictures of Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster. I swear it's a bear. The racoons were in my Jeep trying to get into the cooler that I tied down. I know because they left little muddy foot prints inside and on top of the Jeep.

As far as the actual four wheeling this trip - not too much. A new friend showed up and we took some basic trails. I tried to follow the topo map, but took a wrong turn and we had to ask some Deliverance hunters in the woods for directions out. The GPS she had worked great - if the forest service didn't gate their roads!!
Labels: Brandywine Campground, camping, girl jeep, GWNF, jeep, Tidewater Four Wheelers, Tidewater Fourwheelers
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